June 2019 Thu, 06 Feb 2025 16:40:55 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb One dead three injured in Police chase rollover near kinney county

Law enforcement officials from Kinney County were involved in a high speed chase which resulted in the death of an undocumented immigrant and injury of several others. 

The tragic incident is reported to have occurred at approximately 11:00 pm on Friday June, 21, 2019 on a rural road near the town of Brackettville, Texas in Kinney County.

Law enforcement officials report that a traffic stop on a truck was initiated due to a discrepancy on its license plates. The driver of the truck did not comply and proceeded to lead law enforcement officers on a high speed chase.

The pursuit ended when the suspect's vehicle violently veered of the road and crashed.

There were A total of 9 migrants being transported in the pickup truck and two U.S. citizens.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Mon, 24 Jun 2019 20:48:12 +0000
Texas enviará otras 1000 tropas a la frontera

A medida que la crisis de inmigrantes indocumentados a lo largo de la frontera de Texas continЬa aumentando, el gobernador de Texas Greg Abbott está a punto de ordenar a otros 1,000 soldados de la Guardia Nacional a la frontera de Texas / México. 

En abril, el gobernador Abbott envió 1.000 tropas a la frontera después de que un aumento de más de 2.000 inmigrantes indocumentados se dirigieran a Piedras Negras y otras áreas a lo largo de la frontera.

Desde entonces, la frontera suroeste de los Estados Unidos ha continuado viendo un aumento de las detenciones de inmigrantes indocumentados, que no se han visto en más de una década.

El gobernador Abbott anunció el despliegue a fines de la semana pasada y también criticó al Congreso por su poca o ninguna acción sobre la crisis humanitaria que se está viendo.

Los miembros de la Guardia Nacional también asistirán en el puerto de entrada y en los centros de detención.

El nuevo despliegue de la Guardia Nacional de Texas que trata con la crisis de inmigrantes indocumentados elevará el número total de miembros de la Guardia en la frontera de Texas a aproximadamente 2,000.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Mon, 24 Jun 2019 20:45:32 +0000
Otro cuerpo recuperado del Río Bravo


El cuerpo sin vida de un inmigrante indocumentado fue recuperado del Río Bravo el jueves 20 de junio de 2019. 

Este es el decimoctavo individuo en perder su vida intentando cruzar solo en este año fiscal.

El hombre fue encontrado y sacado del Río Bravo en un área cerca de Quemado, Texas, cuando la Patrulla Fronteriza convocó al Departamento de Bomberos de Eagle Pass para ayudar a recuperar y recuperar elcuerpo del individuo masculino.

Los funcionarios ahora tratarán de identificar a la persona para notificar a cualquier pariente próximo.


thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 20:00:02 +0000
Del Rio Border Patrol Sector Arrests Over 180 Haitians in One Week

DEL RIO, Texas – U.S.Border Patrol agentsassigned to the Del Rio Station have arrested agroup of Haitian nationalsevery day this past last week, totaling over 180 people. 

“Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents have apprehendedimmigrants from 44 countries around the world,”said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz.“Our agents, along with the assistance of our DHS partners,continue to meet eachnew challenge as the ongoinghumanitarian crisisevolves.”

On June 11, agentsassigned to the Del Rio Station arrested a group of 14 people from Haiti.

Over the next week, Del Rio Station agents encountered increasingly larger groups of Haitian nationals, including a group of 44 on June 17. In total, more than 180 people from the country of Haiti have been arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol in Del Rio Sector in the last week. Prior to this week, Del Rio Sector had apprehended 17 Haitians since October 1, 2018.

Del Rio Sector’s total apprehensions to date this year are in excess of 36,000, already more than double the total number of arrests made during the previous fiscal year. More than 29,000 of the individuals arrested this year, over 80 percent, are from approximately 44 countries other than Mexico.

All immigrants arrested are medically evaluated and are referred to medical professionals for more advanced care if needed.

The Del Rio Border Patrol Sector is part of the Joint Task Force-West South Texas Corridor, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations. To report suspicious activity call the Del Rio Sector’s toll free number at 1-866-511-8727.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Fri, 21 Jun 2019 19:48:27 +0000
Maude Mae Kirchner Elementary named one of the best schools in the TX Maude Mae Kirchner Elementary named one of the best schools in the TX

Maude Mae Kirchner Elementary was named among the top 100 elementary schools in the state of Texas from over 8,000 schools. 

Every year, Children at Risk ranks and grades Texas public schools to help parents, educators, and community members understand how schools in their community are performing, and to spark dialogue on the quality of public education across Texas. Schools are assigned ranks and grades based on student achievement on standardized tests, student growth year-to-year, and how well schools support economically disadvantaged students.

The study compares over 8,000 schools across the state, including elementary, middle school and high schools.

This year one of the schools in the Eagle Pass Independent School District made the top 100 elementary schools named in the rankings report. 

Maude Mae Kirchner Elementary was ranked No. 93 from over 4,547 schools reviewed by the study.

For the past 13 years, Children at Risk has shared its annual school rankings with the public. School rankings are calculated using the following measures: Student Achievement Index – Student performance on STAAR Reading and Math tests, Campus Performance Index – A school’s overall campus performance is compared to other campuses statewide with similar levels of poverty.

This adjustment is made to eliminate bias toward campuses with low percentages of economically disadvantaged students. Growth Index – Student-level improvement over time on standardized test scores in Reading, English, and Math. College Readiness Index – High school graduation rates, SAT/ACT participation rate, and scores.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Wed, 19 Jun 2019 20:51:19 +0000
Agentes de BP se reúnen con madre de niño en México Agentes de BP se reúnen con madre de niño en México

EAGLE PASS, Texas - Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza de los EE. UU. Asignados a la Estación Eagle Pass se reunieron con un niño de 1 año de edad luego de ser separados de su madre mientras cruzaban el Río Bravo. 

"Los niños extranjeros no acompañados presentan un desafío único para la Patrulla Fronteriza", dijo el sector de Del Rio.

El jefe de patrulla, agente Raul L. Ortiz. "En este caso, pudimos trabajar con inmigrantes mexicanos para reunir a este niño con su madre".

El 10 de junio, agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza de la Estación Eagle Pass detuvieron a un grupo de extranjeros ilegales, entre ellos un niño de 1 año y su tío, poco después de cruzar el río Bravo hacia los Estados Unidos. Durante el procesamiento, los agentes descubrieron que el tío y el niño estaban separados de la madre mientras cruzaban el río.

La madre, de nacionalidad hondureña, estaba bajo la custodia de funcionarios de inmigración mexicanos en Piedras Negras, México.

El agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza coordinó con funcionarios de inmigración mexicanos y reunió al niño con su madre en México.

El Sector de la Patrulla Fronteriza de Del Rio es parte de la Fuerza de Tarea Conjunta al Oeste del Corredor de Texas, que aprovecha los recursos federales, estatales y locales para combatir las organizaciones criminales transnacionales.

Para informar sobre actividades sospechosas, llame al número gratuito del Sector Del Rio al 1-866-511-8727.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Fri, 14 Jun 2019 20:29:39 +0000
Border Patrol Agents Apprehend SmugglerMexican National led 22 Illegal Aliens Across the Rio Grande River Border Patrol Agents Apprehend SmugglerMexican National led 22 Illegal Aliens Across the Rio Grande River

EAGLE PASS, Texas – Agents from the U.S. Border Patrol Special Operations Detachment arrested a Mexican national Wednesday night after he smuggled 22 illegal aliens into the United States. “Smuggling organizations remain active in our area and continue to exploit the ongoing humanitarian crisis along our borders,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “We will use all available resources to prosecute anyone caught engaging in human smuggling activity within the Del Rio Sector.” 

On June 12, the Del Rio Sector Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) and Border Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) operators, supported by elements from the National Special Operations Group out of El Paso, arrested a group of 23 illegal aliens, including the smuggler.

The group consisted mostly of Honduran family units, including small children. The smuggler was arrested after he was caught ferrying the group across the river in a raft.

All subjects were taken to the Eagle Pass South Station and processed in accordance with U.S. Customs and Border Protection guidelines.

The smuggler has been arrested multiple times by the U.S. Border Patrol and was deported in April 2008.

He faces a charge of 8 USC § 1324 – alien smuggling, which carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

All individuals apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol undergo criminal history checks utilizing multiple databases, including the use of biometrics, to ensure those with criminal history are positively identified regardless of their immigration status.

The Del Rio Border Patrol Sector is part of the Joint Task Force-West South Texas Corridor, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations.

To report suspicious activity call the Del Rio Sector’s toll free number at 1-866-511-8727.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Fri, 14 Jun 2019 20:26:25 +0000
Stripes recauda $ 538,263 para beneficiar a los niños de todo Texas incluido Eagle Pass

Stripes Stores recaudó más de $ 530,000 a través de su campaña de recaudación de fondos para el Hospital Driscoll Children (DCH) para beneficiar a los niños y jóvenes del sur de Texas. 

Desde el 22 de abril hasta el 19 de mayo, Stripes Stores en el sur de Texas le dio a los clientes la oportunidad de donar $1 para recaudar fondos para Driscoll Children's Hospital, que atiende a pacientes de todo el sur de Texas y más allá.

Los fondos también beneficiarán a las clínicas especializadas de DCH en Victoria, el Valle del Río Grande, Laredo, Eagle Pass y Del Rio.

A cambio de la generosidad de los clientes de Stripes, cada donante recibió un icono móvil "I Donated" del Driscoll Children Hospital con un cupón de descuento de $ 1 por una botella de 1 litro de agua DASANI.

Los funcionarios de Stripes hicieron una donaciЧn de $ 538,263 a Eric Hamon, presidente y director ejecutivo de Driscoll Health System, en una presentación en cheque en Corpus Christi el domingo 9 de junio de 2019. "Estamos increíblemente agradecidos con los miembros de nuestro equipo y los clientes generosos, ya que continúan apoyando a los niños y jóvenes en nuestras comunidades en todo el sur de Texas", declaró Brad Williams, Vicepresidente Senior de 7-Eleven, Inc. (Stripes Stores). "Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los maravillosos clientes y empleados de Stripes que fueron tan generosos para ayudar a recaudar los fondos necesarios para los niЦos del sur de Texas que requieren atención médica aquí en Driscoll Children's Hospital", dijo Richard Harris, Especialista en Desarrollo - Coastal Bend for Driscoll Hospital de Niños.

Este año celebra el décimo aniversario del compromiso de Stripes con el programa Driscoll Child Life Specialists y su cambio de nombre al programa Stripes Child Life en el Driscoll Children's Hospital.

Las tiendas Stripes son conocidas por su compromiso con los programas de salud y educación para niños y jóvenes en las comunidades donde operan. Stripes ha sido un destacado colaborador  y donante del Hospital de Niños Driscoll desde 1999, y ha devuelto más de $ 4.3 millones.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Fri, 14 Jun 2019 15:17:52 +0000
Border Patrol Agents Find Deceased Man, Woman Two Deaths near Carrizo Springs in as Many Days

DEL RIO, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Carrizo Springs Station found the remains of two deceased people over the past two days. 

 “The triple-digit temperatures experienced during the summer months make traveling on foot extremely dangerous, especially over the distances attempted by those illegally entering the United States,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “Tragically, those who are unable to keep up with their group are often left behind to die by callous smugglers, who are driven by profit and lack any semblance of compassion or regard for human life.”

On June 5, Border Patrol agents near Carrizo Springs responded to a 911 call regarding two suspected undocumented immigrants in distress, possibly suffering from dehydration. Responding agents searched and were able to locate a man and a woman on a remote area of a ranch. The woman, a 20-year-old Mexican national, was found deceased.

Two days later, on June 7, a second suspected undocumented immigrant was found deceased by Carrizo Springs agents after a concerned citizen reported an unresponsive man near a ranch gate.

Local authorities were notified and took custody of the deceased. 

There have been 14 deaths reported within Del Rio Sector since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2019.

The Del Rio Border Patrol Sector is part of the Joint Task Force-West South Texas Corridor, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations. To report suspicious activity call the Del Rio Sector’s toll free number at 1-866-511-8727.


thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:35:11 +0000
Border Patrol Agents Rescue Honduran Immigrant Suffering from Extreme Dehydration

EAGLE PASS, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents from the Eagle Pass South Station along with members of the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) team rescued a Honduran male suffering from a heat related illness near El Indio. 

“The majority of people attempting to illegally enter this country are ill-prepared for the treacherous terrain they face,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “Had our agents not been out patrolling the remote areas of our border, this man would have most likely died from exposure.” 

On June 6, Border Patrol agents from the Eagle Pass South Station were tracking a group of suspected undocumented immigrants when they found a 24-year-old Honduran male, lying on the ground, suffering from dehydration. Del Rio Sector BORSTAR agents patrolling in the area immediately responded and began treating the man for heat related injuries.

BORSTAR agents stabilized the man and litter-carried him a quarter-mile through the brush to a waiting ambulance. Emergency Medical Services transported him to a local hospital for more advanced treatment. 

The Del Rio Border Patrol Sector is part of the Joint Task Force-West South Texas Corridor, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations. To report suspicious activity call the Del Rio Sector’s toll free number at 1-866-511-8727.

thenewsgramonline@gmail.com (German Carrillo) June 2019 Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:32:03 +0000