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David Venegas

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Chief Guajardo comments on community concerns

Friday, 17 February 2017 21:25 Published in May 2013

Staff Reports-

Eagle Pass Police Chief Albert Guajardo spoke with the News Gram about certain issues in the community including an increase in illicit activity in number of calls responded to, drug use and arrests, and domestic violence, among other local concerns.
Guajardo stated that in the past year incident numbers have risen in the police department which are clear indications of a growing community, but that law enforcement is steadfast in protecting and keeping the peace for all.

Willow Creek Corona a su Reina 2017

Friday, 17 February 2017 21:24 Published in May 2013

S eñor Saul y Rosantina Fernandez directores del centro Willow Creek,  asi como su hija Rosantina,  junto con el señor cónsul Ismael Naveja Macias estuvieron  en la coronación de la reina de San Valentin  el pasado martes.  La señora Blanca Soberón Reina saliente  entregó su corona a la nueva  Reina de Corazones, a la señora Soberón la acompañaba su hijo Francisco Morales. La Corte de Honor la Sra. Juanita Huerta, Duquesa, acompañada por su hijo José Huerta encabezaron la celebración en este día tan bonito en donde todos los los que asisten a ese centro y sus invitados disfrutaron de ese dia tan especial para todos ellos.

FBI, IRS agents raid state Sen. Carlos Uresti's law offices

Thursday, 16 February 2017 16:58 Published in May 2013

The Texas Tribune-



FBI and IRS agents raided the San Antonio law offices of state Sen. Carlos Uresti on Thursday morning — confiscating documents and other items.

A law enforcement source told the the San Antonio Express-News, which first reported the raid Thursday, that it was connected to Uresti’s involvement with a now-bankrupt fracking sand company that he held a financial stake in.

“Law enforcement agents with IRS and FBI are lawfully present conducting a law enforcement operation," FBI spokeswoman Michelle Lee told the Texas Tribune.  "No further details have been released at this time.”

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