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David Venegas

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Fatal Crash on Hwy 57, District Judge Abascal Injured

Saturday, 06 October 2012 19:44 Published in October 2012



-Eagle Pass


 A terrible accident occurred on Saturday morning which left a man dead and his family seriously injured as his Trail Blazer impacted a tractor trailer which crossed into his path on Hwy 57. In the accident, District Judge Amado Abascal was also injured as his vehicle also crashed into the vehicle. The accident occurred at approximately 6:30 A.M. when the sun had not yet risen in the morning sky. JP Tere Melendrez was on hand to pronounce Ruben Segura, 39, dead at the scene as he was traveling with his wife and children.

Un terrible accidente automovilístico ocurrió durante la mañana del sábado en la carretera 57 donde una persona de Eagle Pass murió al impactar su unidad Trail Blaizer, donde viajaba con su familia, contra un trailer que se le atravesó en el camino. El resto de los miembros de la familia resultaron lesionadas. debido al fuerte accidente la carretra 57 fue cerrada por varias horas. En el accidente también resultó lesionado el Juez de Distrito Amado Abascal que viajaba en su unidad y también se impactó contra el trailer. El accidente sucedió aproximadamente a las 6:30 de la mañana del sábado, en ese momento aún no amanecía. La Juez de Paz, Tere Melendrez, pronunció la muerte de la víctima que fue identificada como Rubén Segura, Jr., de 39 años de edad, que viajaba en compañía de su esposa y varios niños. Las autoridades informaron que dos niñas, de 7 y 10 años de edad, resultaron con lesiones severas y fueron llevadas a un hospital en san Antonio, Texas.

A.D. Ibarra

-Mav Co. Lake



Hundreds converged on Maverick County Lake to listen to a key note address by The Honorable Julian Castro, Mayor of San Antonio, who this year did the same at the most significant event of this political season, the Democratic National Convention. There's never been a more important time for folks to come out and vote," stated Castro in an exclusive interview with The eagle Pass News Gram, "the issues that are on the table that affect our lives: Medicare, jobs and the economy, the issue of education and how much we're gonna invest in that for our young people." Castro has quickly become one of the most influential Hispanics in what we are calling the 'Sleeping Giant", the new majority which up to now has been a silent one in terms of coming together to voice our opinion, to make a difference especially here in Texas a traditionally Republican state.


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