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Participaron 121 Competidores en la Carrera 5K

Thursday, 05 July 2012 00:00 Published in July 2012

Una gran asistencia de competidores tuvo la carrera pedestre de la Independencia de 5 kilometros organizada por Parques y Recreaciones el miercoles, y que tuvo como escenario el campo de golf. En total participaron 121 corredores, lo que fue una participación record.

El Departamento de Parques y Recreaciones de Eagle Pass tiene programada la realización del tradicional Desfile de la Independencia que fue encabezado por autoridades y tambien por las ganadoras del certámen donde se eligió Mis Liberty y Miss 4 of July. Varios contingentes ya han confirmado su participación, el desfile paso por la calle Ceylon y terminó en la calle Comercial.
Por su parte la gran fiesta de la Independencia se realizará hasta el sabado 7 de julio en Shelby Park. Este año el concilio de la ciudad decidió cambiar la celebración hasta el sabado para comodidad de los asistentes, para que se puedan desvelar, dado que la gran mayoría no trabaja el domingo.

500 Jobs Offered at Job Fair

Friday, 13 July 2012 00:00 Published in July 2012

The ICT was the backdrop for the 2012 Eagle Pass Job Fair coordinated by the Texas Workforce Commi sion.
Approximately 1000 prospective employees descended on the ICT in search of employment as the event was termed by all involved as a resounding success as companies from across South Texas from 26 different businesses and employers came in and took resumés and applications for positions they so desired to fill ranging from oil field hands to truck drivers and clerks to office assistants, cooks, nurses and care givers.
As soon as doors opened, a very large line of job seekers filed into the main conference room of the ICT.
Mayor Ramsey English- Cantú said that they had people asking about the fair since 6:00 A.M. that mor ing from people who simply want to work in order to provide for their families.
Mayor Cantú said that the fair will assist in dropping the unemployment rate significantly in our area.
Ronnie Rivera of the Texas Workforce Commission said that it all went smoothly and estimates that approximately 500 jobs and even went on to mention that one company offered as many as 300 jobs alone. According to Rivera, over 1400 prospective employees were able to meet with these companies, the largest fair of its kind in this area.
"In going around and talking with employers, they were satisfied with the number of job seekers who came out," stated Rivera, "They were also satisfied with the quality of the prospective employees, but they really liked the turnout."

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