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David Venegas

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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Dana Bacon and Ana Claudia Rodas were in town on Tuesday introducing the American Cancer Society's 'Know Before You Vote' campaign to the greater Maverick County area as well as throughout South Texas and the 23rd Congressional District to get a feel for the pulse of the campaign as well as to hear the candidates and their issues and stances on an issue which has become more and more personal and prevalent in the human landscape, that of cancer. All of us in some way have had our run-ins with this dreaded disease and thanks to advances in treatments, procedures and research, many have lived to tell about thier experiences, unfortunately for many a loved one, the opposite holds true, but the Americsn Cancer Society is making an effort to remind our legislators not to forget about much needed funding to continue the research which is making significant strides to defeat cancer once and for all.



-Eagle Pass


A meeting was held on Wednesday at the office of the Mexican Consulate between Federal authorities who work in Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras in order to better communicate during emergency situations. On behalf of Piedras Negras, officials from Mexican Customs were also on hand to participate. David Zimov, American Consulate from Laredo was also present plus authorities from US Customs and Border Protection. Zimov expressed his concern with the recent problems in Piedras Negras and authorities simply want to insure open lines of communication between the two nations. He also added that the planting of the inert explosive device last week affected both countries due to emergency procedures and several ideas have been bantered about which could go into effect within the coming months. He added that there is presently a warning system in place that will alert citizens of an emergency via a text messaging system.

Adrián Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Dana Bacon y Ana Claudia Rodas estaban en la Ciudad el martes con la introducción de la campaña "Know Before You Vote" de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer para el sur de Texas y el Distrito Congresional 23 sobre un tema que se ha convertido cada vez más personal y frecuente en el ser humano, el de cáncer. Todos nosotros de alguna manera hemos tenido nuestras experiencias con esta terrible enfermedad y gracias a los avances en los tratamientos, procedimientos e investigaciones, familiares o conocidos han vivido para contarlo pero, por desgracia para muchos de nuestros seres queridos, lo opuesto es cierto, pero la American Cáncer Society está haciendo un esfuerzo para recordarles a nuestros legisladores que no se olviden de fondos tan necesarios para continuar con la investigación que están realizando importantes avances para derrotar el cáncer de una vez por todas.

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