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David Venegas

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Situation Under Investigation of Possible Kidnapping

Monday, 15 October 2012 22:34 Published in October 2012


-Eagle Pass


Eagle Pass Police are investigating an incident which occurred on Sunday morning in which two young girls may have been held in a residence against their will. Two individuals were arrested as suspects in this case and have been identified as Jose and Erik Felan according to Chief of Police Antonio Castañeda. According to the report, one of the girls called the EPPD to alert authorities they were being held against their will. Initially, Police were looking for a car whose passengers may have been involved in the incident in which a Chevy Silverado ended up in the Municipal Pool. Witnesses say they may have been driving at a high rate of speed. Officials finally caught up with the car and three individuals exited from the vehicle and ran from authorities. They were able to detain one 15 year-old minor, the others ran into the residence where they heard the screams of girls from within the home. They had no idea what was happening as they had not been alerted by dispatch, and they planned to forcibly enter the home, but the two individuals tried to escape through the rear door of the house and were later detained. The Chief of Police said that there was evidence that there may have been a party, however officials do not know why the girls are claiming to have been held against their will in their own home. The owner of the home was notified of the incident and the case remains under investigation.

Varias personas han llamado al departamento de policía de Eagle Pass para reportar haber visto osos en áreas cercanas a zonas habitadas, al norte de la ciudad. El domingo por la mañana un residente de la calle Barrera del sector Seco Mines llamó al departamento del Sheriff para informar que que un oso, cachorro, estaba en el patio de su domicilio arriba de un árbol. Al parecer se trata del mismo oso que había sido visto en viernes por la tarde en un área cercana al sector Enrique Montalvo. Los agentes de Parques y Vida Silvestre fueron informados de la situación y acudieron al 2435 de la calle Barrera donde se encontraba el oso pequeño en lo alto del árbol.

La policía del Distrito Escolar de Eagle Pass recibió el reporte de dos estudiantes de la C.C. Winn High School que la semana pasada, fueron encontrados en posesión de sustancias tóxicas. Uno de estos caso ocurrió el pasado 8 de octubre, cuando a una alumna, menor de edad, se le encontró una pequeña bolsa de plástico conteniendo cocaína. Esta sustancia es controlada y la policía escolar hizo el reporte. Las autoridades del Distrito informaron que también la semana pasada a un estudiante adulto, se le encontró una bebida preparada que fue detectada como tóxica. Al parecer es la primera ocasión en Eagle Pass que los oficiales del Distrito Escolar se encuentran con un tipo de bebida elaborada donde usaron jarabe para la tos, con otras sustancias, revuelta en algún tipo de refresco.

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