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El Gram Nombrado Diario Oficial de Eagle Pass

Friday, 02 November 2012 20:28 Published in October 2012

Adrián Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


En una carta dirigida a las oficinas del Gram, La Ciudad de Eagle Pass ha vuelto a nombrar The News Gram, el periódico oficial de Eagle Pass. "La ciudad de Eagle Pass gustaría felicitar a el Gram por haber sido seleccionado el diario de noticias oficial de la Ciudad ", declaró Agente de Compras Armando González: "Estamos confiados en su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades de la ciudad". The News Gram se enorgullece de ofrecerle lo último en locales, estatales e internacionales de noticias, entretenimiento y lo mejor en deportes locales semana tras semana en un formato conciso, integral y bilingüe. Incluso puede visitarnos en línea en www.thenewsgramonline. net como The Gram ha actualizado su página web para incluir más fotos, una versión de impresión digital de algunos de nuestros ediciones y artículos archivados que se pueden ver todos los días a cualquier hora. Todos nosotros que laboramos en El Gram estamos orgullosos de servirle.


A.D. Ibarra


-Eagle Pass



In a letter addressed to El Gram offices, Eagle Pass City Council has once again named The Eagle Pass News Gram as the official newspaper of Eagle Pass. "The City of Eagle Pass would like to congratulate The News Gram for being selected the City's official news paper," stated Purchasing Agent Armando Gonzalez, "We are confident in your ability to satisfy the city's needs." The News Gram is proud to provide you with the latest in local, state and international news, entertainment and the best in local sports week in and week out in a concise, comprehensive bilingual format. You can even check us out online at as The Gram has upgraded its website to include more photos, a fresh new format where you can see the biggest stories quick and first hand, a digital print version of some of our issues and archived articles which you can see everyday at your convenience. At The Eagle Pass News Gram, we are proud to serve you.





-Eagle Pass


Public officials, physicians, businessmen and entrepreneurs have united in a campaign which is a first in Eagle Pass to bring awareness to the importance of men's health issues as well as women for them to check themselves regularly in order to prevent fatal diseases.

The campaign has been entitled Movember, a play on words between mustache and November.

Texas Health authorities and civic organizations have gotten the support of local personalities to insure an overall buy-in to the campaign to get all men to check themselves regularly and care about their health as they are the heads of their households and their loved ones care for them.

As a sign of support for this campaign city and county officials are letting their mustaches grow.

Some of our public officials who will be participating will be our Mayor Ramsey English-Cantú, Judge David Saucedo, Mexican Consulate Ricardo Santana, Dr. carlos Hernandez, EPISD Board Member Ignacio Saucedo and local businessman Joe Rodriguez.

Chief of Police Antonio Castañeda, who already sports a mustache,  was shaved publicly in order to join the campaign.

Participants will grow their mustaches all through November and will shave them off in December.

Most of those participating have said that someone in their family has had illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and other maladies which need to be taken seriously and caught in a timely manner.

Dr. Carlos Hernandez says that men should visit the doctor periodically before it's too late.

He added that primarily, diabetes, obesity, cancer and prostate problems are some of the problems we see regularly in Eagle Pass.

Mexican Consulate Ricardo Santana said that unfortunately in many cases men worry more about their vehicles being in optimal working conditions as opposed to their own health.

That is why November has been dedicated to raise awareness on men's health.


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