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David Venegas

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Eagle Pass resident crashes into cow

Wednesday, 26 December 2012 23:47 Published in December 2012



-Eagle pass


One of the automobile accidents over the holidays was that of an Eagle Pass resident who crashed into a cow on Highway 57. According to the report, Gerardo Gonzalez of Eagle Pass suffered minor injuries after crashing his Ford F-150 into a bovine on Highway 57. The accident occurred about four miles out of Eagle Pass and although the driver suffered minor injuries, the front of the vehicle was destroyed. The Maverick County Sheriff's Department is looking into the case in order to determine the owner of the cow in order to hold the owner responsible. Authorities ask drivers to be cautious and defensive as they travel on Texas highways as there is much traffic on all roads this holiday season.




Promoverán Turisticamente Eagle Pass en McAllen, Tx

Wednesday, 26 December 2012 23:46 Published in January 2013

La Directora de la Cámara de Comercio de Eagle Pass, Sandra Martinez, y su asistente Ana Arizpe, se preparan para realizar un viaje a McAllen, Tx, para estar presentes en una feria turística donde participan diversas ciudades. Cada año cientos de personas de edad adulta, ya retirados de sus trabajos, que viven en los estados del norte de Estados Unidos viajan al sur de Texas en busca de climas mas agradables para pasar el invierno, lo cual representa un turismo muy atractivo para estas Ciudades Texanas, y a través de este tipo de eventos se promueve el turismo para las ciudades de la región. La directora de la Cámara de Comercio de Eagle Pass comentó que del 8 al 11 de enero participarán en una feria de turismo en la ciudad en McAllen donde buscarán captar ese tipo de visitantes. Mencionó que cada año se realiza este evento y la ciudad de Eagle Pass ha logrado captar una gran cantidad de turistas mediante esta promoción. Dijo que cada año muchos de estos visitantes visitan Eagle Pass, interesados por la historia, el clima, y sobre todo uno de los atractivos turísticos mas importantes a nivel local es el Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino, que genera gran parte del turismo para Eagle Pass.

Eagle Pass being promoted as tourist site in McAllen

Wednesday, 26 December 2012 23:45 Published in December 2012




-Eagle Pass



Sandra Martinez, Directress of the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce, and her assistant Ana Arizpe, informed The News Gram that they are preparing to go to McAllen to promote Eagle Pass as a viable tourist spot. Every year hundreds of people, retired and elderly who live in the northern United States travel to South Texas looking for warmer climate in which to spend their winters which bodes well for Texas cities such as Eagle Pass and they are promoting our area for such tourism. Martinez added that they would be in the valley on January 8th-11th to participate in a tourism fair in McAllen to attempt to bring in such tourism. She concluded that this fair is held every year at this time and Eagle Pass gets a good amount of tourism in this manner. Every year, these visitors come to Eagle Pass are intrigued by its history, its climate, and above all the tourism attractions such as the casino which provides a great amount of tourism to our fair city.




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