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Localizaron a un Hombre Muerto Ahogado en el Rio Bravo

Tuesday, 04 December 2012 20:46 Published in December 2012

Staff Eagle Pass

Continúan las investigaciones para poder identificar a la persona que fué encontrada sin vida ahogada en el rio Bravo, el pasado domingo. El Consulado de México dio a conocer que el pasado domingo aproximadamente a las 2 de la tarde horas personal de la Patrulla Fronteriza de la ciudad de Eagle Pass, Texas notificó el hallazgo de un cuerpo en las márgenes del Río Bravo a la altura del “Eagle Point Ranch” a nueve millas al norte de la ciudad de Eagle Pass,Texas. Se trata de una persona del sexo masculino, de aproximadamente 25-35 años de edad, de 1.70-1.75 mts de estatura de complexión mediana. Vestía ropa interior de color negro marca “Elegant”, tenis negros marca Moon-Late y no se le encontró ninguna identificación.   Al lugar acudió el Juez de Paz Tere Melendrez quien pronunció la causa del fallecimiento por ahogamiento. El levantamiento del cuerpo fue realizado por la funeraria Memorial Funeral Chapel’s de la ciudad de Eagle Pass, Texas. Cualquier información que ayude para identificarlo, se agradecerá contactar al Consulado de México en Eagle Pass, Texas al 830-773-9255. El Consulado de Mexico hace esfuerzos para poder identificarlo.

Dear Virginia: Yes, There Is An Advent Season!

Friday, 30 November 2012 17:03 Published in November 2012

By: Bishop James A. Tamayo

Over 100 years ago, a young girl wrote to the editor of a New York City newspaper, asking if there really was a Santa Claus. The editor's beautiful reply, titled “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus” has been reprinted at Christmas in countless newspapers. And just who is Santa Claus? His name is derived from Saint Nicholas, a real life Catholic saint who lived in the fourth century. St. Nicholas was bishop in what is present day Turkey. This saint certainly did exist on earth and he exists now in heaven. We even celebrate his feast day on December 6th. This feast day falls during a period in the Catholic calendar where we begin preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. This liturgical season, which begins this weekend, is called Advent. Unfortunately, and as a result of commercialism, the tendency today is to practically celebrate Christmas right after Thanksgiving, with decorations, parties and even early gift giving.

Auto Thieves and Burglars Hard At Work During Holidays

Friday, 30 November 2012 16:59 Published in WORLD

(Dallas, TX)  

Black Friday is only a memory, and Cyber Monday has passed.  But the bargain hunting season has only just begun for one type of shopper . . . . . vehicle criminals! The Texas Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority (ABTPA), a division of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, reminds drivers that a vehicle is burglarized every two minutes and stolen every eight minutes in the state.  These crimes can escalate during the holiday season when drivers are frequently out shopping for gifts and traveling to visit friends and family.  During these times, drivers are more likely to leave belongings within view inside vehicles as well as become negligent in locking doors and taking keys.  To make matters worse, a thief won’t necessarily stop with taking your vehicle and the things inside.  They may also look for personal documents that can help them steal your identity or that indicate where you live so they can burglarize additional property from your home.  In other words, the theft or burglary of your vehicle may simply be a gateway to the commission of additional crimes. “We know auto burglars scout malls, shopping centers, entertainment venues, hotels, and other business parking lots this time of year looking for opportunities to break into vehicles,” said Michelle Lanham, program manager for ABTPA’s Reduce Auto Theft in Texas (RATT) public awareness task force at the University of North Texas Dallas Caruth Police Institute.

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