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Wednesday, 04 April 2018 21:44

Man arrested for sexual assault on a minor


The Texas Rangers. FBI and Eagle Pass Police Department affected a warrant of arrest on a male adult in the area of Adolphus St. And El Indio Hyw. in Eagle Pass on Wednesday, April 4,
 Law enforcement information states that around 6:30 in the morning the Federal Bureau Investigation and Texas Ranger Joe Sanchez moved in with a warrant of arrest to detain a male individual that has been identified as Marco Antonio Gloria.
 Law enforcement officials were at the residence where they affected the arrest for approximately 3 hours up to 9:30am conducting an investigation.  
 Gloria is being charged on 3 separate counts of sexual assault against a minor child.
 Gloria was detained and remanded to the Tom Bowles Detention Center where he remains waiting to be magistrated.


Arrestado por ataque sexual a menor


Los Rangers de Texas. La Oficina Federal de Investigación y el Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass hicieron una orden de arresto contra un hombre en el área de Adolphus St. y la carretera El Indio en Eagle Pass Texas el miércoles 4 de abril de 2018.
La policía informa que alrededor de las 6:30 de la mañana, la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones y el Texas Ranger Joe Sanchez  llegaron con una orden de arresto para detener a un individuo que ha sido identificado como Marco Antonio Gloria.
Los agentes del orden estuvieron en la residencia donde hicieron el arresto durante aproximadamente 3 horas hasta las 9:30 a.m. realizando una investigación.
Gloria está siendo acusado de 3 cargos separados de agresión sexual contra un menor de edad.

Gloria fue detenido y llevado al Centro de Detención de Tom Bowles, donde permanece esperando ser magistrado.
Este es el segundo caso de agresión sexual contra menores que la oficina de Texas Rangers ha investigado y ha afectado a un arresto en el último mes.

Published in April 2018
Wednesday, 04 April 2018 15:00

Federals search house

Staff reports


On Wednesday April 4, according to eye witnesses, around 6 in the morning 8 cars arrived, including a van from federal agents at the corner of El Indio Hwy and Adolphus St. A lot of movement was seen

Published in April 2018

Staff reports

The Eagle Pass Independent School District Police Department received an emergency call at the EPISD District Service Center on Saturday morning in regards to a suspicious metal box that contained a possible explosive device.

Published in September 2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017 20:03

Hector Chavez sentenced for lying to FBI

Of all the individuals that were indicted and arrested on charges involving a pay to play scheme in Maverick County, Hector Chavez Sr. was the last one to be sentenced.

Published in May 2013
Monday, 21 August 2017 20:16

Chavez sentenced to 42 months

Hector Chavez Sr. appeared before U.S.District Judge Alia Moses on  Monday August 21, where he awaited sentencing from a pleading to the charge of Making a False Statement to a Federal Officer; a charge that has a maximum sentencing of up to five years imprisonment.

Published in May 2013
Friday, 18 August 2017 18:53

Chavez in court Monday

Staff Reports

Former Eagle Pass City Manager Hector Chavez is scheduled to appear for sentencing before Western District Judge Alia Moses this Monday, August 21.
Chavez was initially detained on April 15, and has remained in custody since. Chavez plead guilty in a federal court on March 30, 2017 before U.S.District Judge Alia Moses. He faces up to five years in federal prison for making a false statement to an FBI agent in an investigation, up to $250,000 in fines, and three years community supervision.
  Chavez’s arrest and charges stem from an investigation of public corruption in Maverick County by the FBI, which has led to the indictment and arrests of over 28 individuals, all of whom plead guilty to charges made against them. Many of those individuals, including former County Commissioners, are imprisoned at this time for their participation in the scheme.


Héctor Chavez se presenta lunes en corte


El ex gerente de la ciudad de Eagle Pass, Héctor Chávez, está programado para presentarse a la sentencia ante la juez del distrito Alia Moses este lunes, 21 de agosto.
Chávez fue detenido inicialmente el 15 de abril y permanece bajo custodia desde entonces. Chávez se declaró culpable en un tribunal federal el 30 de marzo de 2017 ante el juez del Distrito de los Estados Unidos, Alia Moses. Se enfrenta a hasta cinco años en prisión federal por hacer una declaración falsa a un agente del FBI en una investigación, hasta $ 250,000 en multas, y tres años de supervisión de la comunidad.
La detención y las acusaciones de Chávez provienen de una investigación de la corrupción pública en el condado de Maverick por parte del FBI, que ha llevado a la acusación y arrestos de más de 28 personas, quienes se declararon culpables de cargos contra ellos. Muchas de esas personas, incluyendo los ex comisionados del condado, están encarcelados en este momento por su participación  en actos ilicitos.

Published in May 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — Breaking with the president, the lawyer Donald Trump picked to lead the FBI declared Wednesday that he does not believe a special counsel investigation into possible coordination between

Published in May 2013


With the Crystal City public corruption trial underway, ties to Maverick County have surfaced during the early going of the witness against the defense testimony.

Published in May 2013

Staff reports


  Según infromes de Laredo, un total de 17 sujetos se identifican en la orden de búsqueda y embargo que el FBI ejecutó el miércoles en el Ayuntamiento como parte de una investigación de corrupción pública.

Published in May 2013
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 21:38

Cateo en oficinas del gobierno de Laredo

El Laredo Morning Times reportó el miércoles que el FBI y el Departamento de Seguridad Pública allanaron el Concilio de Laredo, el edificio del Ayuntamiento anexo, el Departamento de Obras Públicas y el Palacio de Justicia del Condado de Webb.

   El FBI aún no ha comentado las incursiones. DPS aplazó el comentario al FBI.

Published in May 2013
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