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-Eagle Pass


County plans to rent spaces at lake to sell food Staff -Eagle Pass Maverick County is working on a plan in which a rate can be come to a consensus to set a price for the rent of the lake for plate sales and such. This plan has not yet been defined and in all actuality the treasurer's department is working to establish a rate. Traditionally, as has been the case, local groups would come by the offices of Precinct 1, ask to reserve a space where they would hold plate sales which generate large amounts of funds and not be charged for the use of the facilities, the only charge would be a toy for Christmas. The plan is to continue to go through the County offices for reserving the space, but the fees would have to be paid to the office of the Treasurer. The rates should be coming down from the Treasurer's Office in the next few days, but for now, you can walk or jog at ease at Maverick County Lake this weekend as none of the spaces are being lent out at this time.




-Eagle Pass


The annual Chamber of Commerce Banquet will give way to the announcement of this year's Citizen of the Year, the nominees were announced by the Chamber of Commerce and they are as follows: Hector J. Cerna, Mirella Zaragoza and Jose A. Perez.

A special committee reviews the profile of each of these people, and Thursday night, during the celebration of the Annual Banquet of the Chamber of Commerce the winner and newest recipient of this coveted recognition will be named.

This award was established in 1972 and the first person to receive it was Humberto "Beto" Garza, and last year the award went to  Enrique Montalvo.





-Del Rio, TX


According to sources close to the Western District of Texas, rearraignment hearings for Suspended County Commissioner Rodolfo Bainet Heredia, Jose Luis Aguilar and Juan Carlos Moncada have been set for March 12 at 9:00 A.M. before The Honorable Judge Alia Moses in Del Rio.

Heredia, who faces charges of conspiracy to launder money, aiding and abetting money laundering and conspiracy to smuggle bulk cash into the US, has been in federal custody since October and has requested to be released on bail twice.  The Honorable Magistrate Judge Collis White has denied those two requests.  Heredia is being represented by Evelyn McNamara.


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