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Staff -

Eagle Pass

The Eagle Pass Police Department and the Maverick County Sheriff's Department met on Thursday morning in order to coordinate a plan of action to work together going forward. The meeting was conducted by EPPD Chief Antonio Castañeda and Sheriff Tom Schmerber who is in his first month on the job as Maverick County Sheriff. Chief of Police Antonio Castañeda informed The News Gram that these types of conferences are integral to establish collaboration agreements in civil and criminal cases which may arise or in the case of accidents or arrests of fugitives, to provide a protocol for each entity to help the other. The meeting was held at the offices of the Maverick County Sheriff. There are cases where both agencies work together such as accidents and incidents where both arrive on the scene. In the month of January, there have been two fatal accidents which have occurred on January 2nd attended by EPPD and on Hwy. 277 N. which was handled by the Maverick County Sheriff's Department. These types of reunions will help facilitate the efficient utilization of federal grant monies in order to maximize the efforts of both entities in this respect.


Staff -

Eagle Pass

Yet another accident on Highway 277 has left two injured near the community of Normandy, north of Eagle Pass. The two victims were taken to the emergency room at Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center. According to preliminary information, one of the victims hails from Eagle Pass, the other from Del Rio. The victim from Del Rio was identified as Humberto Flores, 70. The victim from Eagle Pass was identified as Humberto Mondragon, 40, who resides in Quemado. The accident occurred at approximately 5:00 P.M. and the two vehicles involved were a Jeep Liberty and a GMC Yukon, both of which were completely destroyed. Authorities informed The News Gram that the accident forced the closure of the highway and motorists were asked to take alternate routes until approximately 8:00 A.M. the next morning. Sheriff deputies and emergency medical personnel arrived on the scene to aid the victims and an ambulance transported them to the hospital. The accident and its causes remain under investigation.





-Eagle Pass



El Comisionado del Precinto 4 del Condado de Maverick, Cesar Flores, de manera sorprensiva anunció que definitivamente dejará el cargo y su salida será efectiva el 15 de marzo proximo Flores, que se presentó a la junta de Comisionados acompañado de una parte de su familia, ante la Corte de Comisionados y ante los presentes expresó su decisión de dejar el cargo al que fue electo y donde ha permanecido por casi 13 años. El Comisionado expresó motivos personales y la necesidad de preparse para la situación que enfrenta. El Juez Saucedo, y los Comisonados Eliaz Maldonado y Jose Luis Rosales, escucharon a Flores. Ricardo Ramos, abogado del Condado, dijo que ante la decisión de Flores de dejar la Corte de Comisionados le corresponderá al Juez del Condado, nombrar a una persona para que ocupe el cargo de manera interina, al menos hasta que sean las proximas elecciones para esa posición. A mediados de enero Cesar Flores fue acusado por un Gran Jurado en Del Rio, Texas por cargos de haber recibido sobornos de contratistas. Voluntariamente se entregó a las autoridades federales, y recuperó su libertad mediante el pago de una fianza. Cargos similares enfretan los Comisionados Eliaz Maldonado y Rodolfo Heredia. Hace pocos dias el Distrito escolar de Eagle Pass suspendido con derecho a pago al Comisionado Flores de su trabajo como profesor en la C.C. Winn High School, hasta que se resuelva su situación legal.


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