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-Eagle Pass

U.S. Border Patrol Agents in Eagle Pass seized more than $350,000 worth of marijuana. Monday afternoon, agents assigned to the Eagle Pass Station conducted a vehicle stop on a 2003 Ford Taurus. Agents stopped the vehicle near the Rio Grande River and further inspection revealed several bundles containing marijuana located on the front and rear seats. After a thorough search of the entire vehicle, additional bundles were found in the truck. A total of 446.8 pounds of marijuana worth an estimated $357,000 was seized. The subject and narcotics were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.      


Authorities from the Water Works in Eagle Pass were present Wednesday at the Chamber of Commerce Community Breakfast to talk about the changes in rates, some that went into effect and others that are about to come into effect. Jorge Barrera, Director of the EP Water Works, said some changes have already gone into effect, for example the previous deposit for a new contract was a minimal charge, currently $80 is charged for opening a new account, this amount covers the first month of water usage. The Director of the Department said that by November 5, new reconnection charges will be in affect. The increases are almost double. Since last summer the Eagle Pass Council approved the ordinance which will increase to 100% fines for reconnection of water service. The reconnection charges will increase by $15 to $30 dollars during business hours, and $20 to $40 if the reconnection occurs after 5 pm. The Director of the Water System, Jorge Barrera, said the increase is necessary to cover the hours for those that conduct this work. The increase in the deposit contract, will increase from $25 to $80 dollars. Those users who have pending payments of up to 3 months will no longer be allowed services, now the most that will be allowed will be one month to settle the debt. He said this is to improve the service of the Water System to the community.


Shery Roberts and Mike Garcia, organizers of the Candles for Life event in Eagle Pass were present at this week's Chamber of Commerce Community Breakfast, held on Wednesday morning at a restaurant in Bibb Street to talk about the Candles for Life event that will take place this weekend, Sunday October 21 at the Maverick County lake. The organization occupies a space in the offices of Precinct 1 Maverick County on Bibb Street and works all year round in raising funds to help people who suffer from this unfortunate disease. The organization provides an average of 250 dollars per person per year, it provides support for families and loved ones as well. Mike Garcia stated that the community is invited to participate, the walk is scheduled to begin at 4 pm, and the intention is that community members who have loved ones that have fallen to this decease or that are survivors illuminate a candle in their name. The Candles for Life Organization is working intensively to gather funds to help more people with this disease.


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