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Eagle Pass Celestino Hernandez, Representative for TxDOT, announced that October 8th will be the first day that the second phase of Loop 480 will be open to the public from International Bridge II to the juncture of Highway 57. The site for the ribbon cutting has not yet been set, and it could very well occur at the highest point of the new phase which is at the juncture at El Indio Highway. The project which has been in the works for the past year, will be a welcomed avenue to divert traffic on El Indio Highway and may even be an alternate route for motorists interested in accessing the second international bridge, the golf course or even the casino if they are coming from Piedras Negras or beyond. Whatever the case may be, it shows the progress of Eagle Pass and Maverick County in what will forever be known as the era of major growth in our area of South Texas and could be the beginning of major economic progress to the South Side of Eagle Pass as it can only be projected that businesses and residential subdivisions begin to pop up on either side of this byway, especially with the impending construction of a new highway to Laredo. This highway will alleviate many existing traffic problems, especially in terms of commercial vehicles coming into the country. The new byway will eventually connect International Bridge II to Del Rio Highway 277 in the not to distant future.




Eagle Pass Administration from the EPISD is working to insure that all staff are appropriately certified to carry out their duties on a day to day basis. They have established a protocol in order to insure 100% certification of all staff in order to raise the levels of education for all students stated Rodolfo Lopez, member of the EPISD Board of Trustees. Lopez also mentioned that as much as a year ago, 100 teachers, almost 10% were non-certified and as of now, there are only four who have not completed their certification programs. Should these individuals fail to receive their certificates in due time, they will be terminated. He added that it is important that the teachers be completely certified and prepared to tackle the rigors of being able to adequately service each and every one of the students of this district to the best of their ability and the district is going to insure that this is happening through a series of methods which includes frequent monitoring and walkthroughs by school administrators as well as by central office personnel in order to insure that all student’s needs are addressed regardless of their ability or disability to learn. As national education standards continue to rise, it is up to the district and its teachers and paraprofessionals to insure that all students are addressed even if they need one-to-one or small group instruction.  Teachers who do not have the benefit of an aide should make time during independent practice to address the needs of these students who may need the extra help.  It is in this way that schools may collectively meet adequate yearly progress which is getting harder and harder to meet each year. This along with other important intervention methods such as increased security, the implementation of D.A.R.E. programs and other interventions to divert students away from the pitfalls of illicit drug use, gang violence and bullying as well as effective teacher intervention and parental involvement is they best way to insure that these goals are accomplished.



Celestino Hernández, representante en Eagle Pass del departamento de Transportación de Texas (TxDOT), anunció que será el próximo lunes 8 de octubre, por la mañana, cuando se realice la inauguración de la segunda fase del Outer Lopp, o loop 480, que conectará de El Indio Highway a el Puente Internacional dos. Esta segunda fase pasará por el sur de la Ciudad. Las autoridades del TxDOT aun no determinan donde realizarán el corte de listón, podría ser en el punto mas alto del Overpass que se construyó sobre la carretera a El Indio. Esta vialidad ayudará mucho al tráfico vehicular en la Ciudad, camiones comerciales podrán entrar al Puente Internacional dos o conectarse a las carreteras del Condado de Maverick sin entrar a la Ciudad. Los automovilistas particulares también podrán aprovechar esta vialidad. El loop 480 conectará desde la carretera 57 hasta el puente internacional dos, con dos overpass, uno en la carretera US 277 east y El Indio Hwy.


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