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Final registrations in the Maverick County Hospital District Elections came to a close on Tuesday, August 21 with 4 candidates vying for the two positions that are to be decided on the November 6 election ballot. Up until Monday, there were only two candidates who had registered to seek re-election.


Tuesday, August, 21 marks one year since ex- Eagle Pass City Manager Hector Chavez Sr. was sentenced to 42 months in prison for his participation in a bid-rigging scheme in Maverick County. 

Chavez pleaded guilty to his charges and went before U.S. Western District Judge Alia Moses who imposed a sentence of 42 months with 16 months credit for time already served and 3 years of supervised release.  Chávez was the last of over 21 individuals to be sentenced. On Monday, August 21, 2017, Chavez appeared in court and received an earful from Judge Moses.

Moses scolded Chavez on various occasions on his audacity to steal money from the taxpayer without taking into account the community in which he served and was hired to protect.

Chavez’ final words before being sentenced that day were directed to the community where he apologized for his actions.

“You were part of a giant scheme to defraud the people of Maverick County," added Moses.  Chavez is expected to be out of prison by Mid- October 2019.

Various other individuals that were sentenced for their role in the bid-rigging scheme have served their sentencing and are already out completing their supervised releases. 



Chavez  obtendrá su liberación en octubre  2019 


El Martes, 21 de agosto, marca un año desde que el ex Gerente de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass, Héctor Chavez Sr., fue sentenciado a 42 meses de prisión por su participación en un plan de manipulación de licitaciones en el Condado de Maverick.

Chávez se declaró culpable de sus acusaciones y se presentó ante el juez de distrito de los Estados Unidos, Alia Moses, quien impuso una sentencia de 42 meses con 16 meses de crédito por tiempo ya cumplido y 3 años de libertad supervisada.

Chávez fue el último de más de 21 individuos sentenciados. El lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017, Chávez se presentó ante el tribunal y recibió su sentencia.

Moses regañó a Chávez en varias ocasiones por su audacia de robarle dinero al contribuyente sin tener en cuenta a la comunidad en la que prestó servicios y fue contratado para proteger.

Las palabras finales de Chávez antes de ser sentenciadas ese día fueron dirigidas a la comunidad donde se disculpó por sus acciones. "Fuiste parte de un plan gigante para defraudar a la gente del condado de Maverick", agregó Moses.

Se espera que Chávez salga de prisión a mediados de octubre de 2019.



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