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A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Results for Election Night in the Democratic Primary was slow, yet relatively unevent- ful as watchers, local offi- cials, candidates, family and friends all braved the chilly breeze and awaited the official disclosure of numbers and vote totals especially in the local races. A total of 5,080 votes werecast unofficially as reported by Ar- turo Delgado, Election Judge, who proceeded to announce race by race, the vote totals which revealed three official winners in three key races.
Morales, Vielma, Montemayor, Madera victorious;
Run-offs for commissioner of Pct 4, Pct 2
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Results for Election Night in the Democratic Primary was slow, yet relatively uneventful as watchers, local officials, candidates, family and friends all braved the chilly breeze and awaited the official disclosure of numbers and vote totals especially in the local races.
Are you voting? Your last chance to make a difference is NOW!
A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass
Ask yourself this simple question: "Am I voting?"
That wasn't hard was it? A simple 'Yes' or 'No' would be the answer, but the question is can you or better yet will you help yourself? A great man once said, "Nobody's going to help you. You have to help yourself."
The latest numbers are in from Election Central and Roy Schmerber has informed The News Gram of the fact that in two weeks of early voting, only 2,906 of 24,000 registered voters in Maverick County have come out to do their civic duty, an average of 78.5 votes per candidate in our local elections.
This can be attributed to two factors: lack of a candidate who may have a group of grassroots supporters that feel so connected that they can mobilize large groups of voters to make a statement about the state of things or in support of someone who brings something very different to the table in terms of what he/she can do for their constituents. The other would be a careless attitude in wake of the latest investigations by the FBI, the Department of Public Safety and the Western District of Texas which have led to the arrests and convictions of seventeen individuals since October of 2012.
If you are one who takes the time to participate in the process of going to meetings and making your voice heard in one of many ways, it is in your best interest to come out to one of the fourteen polling places and once again make your voice heard.