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City of Eagle Pass renews contract with Chamber of Commerce pending changes

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Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


  The City of Eagle Pass reviewed their contract with the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce for tourism and publicity services at their meeting held on Tuesday, October 10. 

During the course of the meeting, Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu requested that the item be taken into executive session to discuss since it involved a contract, and is allowed to be discussed behind closed doors. 

Once back in open session Mayor Cantu stated that changes were to be made on the contract.

“Based on our discussions, I believe that we will modify the chamber’s contract as per the discussions and recommendations that were made in executive session and prepare for signature for execution,”said Cantu. 

 He then asked for a motion which was made by Mayor Pro Tem Yolanda Ramon and seconded by by Councilwoman Gloria Hernandez.

The item was then called for a vote and approved unanimously.    

The contract between the City of Eagle Pass and the Chamber of Commerce for tourism and publicity is reviewed and approved on a yearly basis and is approximately $91,200 which are available to the chamber through a reimbursement schedule.

The $91,200 are made available from the Hotel Occupancy Room Tax funds which are allocated to the City’s budget for tourism and publicity of the City of Eagle Pass. 

The Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce plays an important role and partnership with the City in tourism and publicity services, and has done so for many years while receiving a contribution from the city for such services.   

Recently Eagle Pass City Manager Arturo Rodriguez requested that the City Council allow him to take $30,000 from leftover funds from the Chamber’s yearly contributed funds to be able to use for other advertising opportunities that he would take care of, and disperse possibly through the Business Economic Development Committee or through his office. 

It is unclear if the city council will be granting Rodriguez his wishes to be able to promote the city with the funds he has requested.



Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


  The City of Eagle Pass reviewed their contract with the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce for tourism and publicity services at their meeting held on Tuesday, October 10. 

During the course of the meeting, Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu requested that the item be taken into executive session to discuss since it involved a contract, and is allowed to be discussed behind closed doors. 

Once back in open session Mayor Cantu stated that changes were to be made on the contract.

“Based on our discussions, I believe that we will modify the chamber’s contract as per the discussions and recommendations that were made in executive session and prepare for signature for execution,”said Cantu. 

 He then asked for a motion which was made by Mayor Pro Tem Yolanda Ramon and seconded by by Councilwoman Gloria Hernandez.

The item was then called for a vote and approved unanimously.    

The contract between the City of Eagle Pass and the Chamber of Commerce for tourism and publicity is reviewed and approved on a yearly basis and is approximately $91,200 which are available to the chamber through a reimbursement schedule.

The $91,200 are made available from the Hotel Occupancy Room Tax funds which are allocated to the City’s budget for tourism and publicity of the City of Eagle Pass. 

The Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce plays an important role and partnership with the City in tourism and publicity services, and has done so for many years while receiving a contribution from the city for such services.   

Recently Eagle Pass City Manager Arturo Rodriguez requested that the City Council allow him to take $30,000 from leftover funds from the Chamber’s yearly contributed funds to be able to use for other advertising opportunities that he would take care of, and disperse possibly through the Business Economic Development Committee or through his office. 

It is unclear if the city council will be granting Rodriguez his wishes to be able to promote the city with the funds he has requested.




Ciudad aprueba contrato con Cámara de Comercio 


Jose G. Landa

Staff writer


  La Ciudad de Eagle Pass revisó su contrato con la Cámara de Comercio de Eagle Pass para servicios de turismo y publicidad en su reunión celebrada el martes 10 de octubre de 2017.

   Durante el transcurso de la reunión, el Alcalde de Eagle Pass, Ramsey E. Cantú, solicitó que el tema se tomara en sesión ejecutiva para su discusión. Una vez de vuelta en sesión abierta el Alcalde Cantú declaró que se debían hacer modificaciones en el contrato. "Sobre la base de nuestras discusiones creo que vamos a modificar el contrato de la  cámara según las discusiones y recomendaciones que se hicieron en la sesión ejecutiva y preparar para la firma para su ejecución", dijo Cantu.

   El alcalde entonces pidió una moción que fue hecha por la alcaldesa Pro Tem Yolanda Ramón y secundada por por la consejera Gloria Hernández.

   El punto se convocó a votación y fue aprobado por unanimidad.

   El contrato entre la Ciudad de Eagle Pass y la Cámara de Comercio para el turismo y la publicidad es revisado y aprobado anualmente y es de aproximadamente $91.200 que están disponibles para la cámara a través de un calendario de reembolso.

   Los $ 91,200 se ponen a disposición de los fondos de Impuestos de la Habitación de Ocupación Hotel que se asignan al presupuesto de la Ciudad para el turismo y la publicidad de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass.

   La Cámara de Comercio de Eagle Pass desempeña un importante papel y asociación con la Ciudad en los servicios de turismo y publicidad y lo ha hecho durante muchos años al recibir una contribución de la ciudad para estos servicios.

Recientemente, el Administrador de la Ciudad de Eagle Pass, Arturo Rodríguez, solicitó recientemente que el Ayuntamiento le permitiera sacar $ 30,000 de los fondos sobrantes de las Cámaras anualmente contribuyeron fondos para poder usar para otras oportunidades publicitarias que él cuidaría y dispersaría posiblemente a través del Business Economic Development Comité oa través de su oficina.

No está claro si el ayuntamiento concederá a Rodríguez sus deseos de poder anunciar y promover la ciudad con los fondos que ha solicitado.

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