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A fitting tribute to a fallen leader Hundreds gather to bid farewell to former Mayor Chad Foster Family, friends & colleagues celebrate his life Featured

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A fitting tribute to a fallen leader
Hundreds gather to bid farewell to former Mayor Chad Foster
Family, friends & colleagues celebrate his life

A.D. Ibarra
-Eagle Pass

Hundreds gathered at both the vigil and the funeral services of Former Eagle Pass Mayor Chad Foster who recently succumbed to cancer in a Houston Hospital this past Saturday.  Funeral services were held for Foster on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at Our Lady of Refuge Church in Eagle Pass as a huge gathering of local and area dignitaries, public officials, businessmen and people of all walks of life gathered to celebrate his life in a fitting tribute to a man who all considered to be a leader's leader and a man's man.

Leaders from both sides of the border were present including Laredo Mayor Raul Salinas and the Mayor of Piedras Negras Oscar Lopez Elizondo as Foster established exceptional relations with international ties.  Salinas said that Chad Foster was one of a kind and a fighter for the rights of his community and for the economic development of this region.
At Yeager-Barrera Funeral Chapels, hundreds of floral arrangements lined the chapel, a side chapel and even the halls of the establishment as the outpouring of emotion was evident in a way rarely seen in a manner fitting of a community leader.
The new units recently purchased by the EPPD adorned Del Rio Blvd. in front of the mortuary and the funeral itself was filled to capacity as testimonies from local dignitaries and friends of Foster spoke at the gathering remembering his life's accomplishments and his light infectious demeanor.

FOSTERRR-2The large gathering also gathered at the Maverick County Cemetery where his body will lie in state for eternity as the crowd paid their last respects to a man who truly made an impact on a community which is now reaping the benefits of his life's work as we continue to grow at a rapid pace.
City offices all had purple ribbons in his honor as he served as Mayor from 2004 to 2010.
A grand celebration of his life was held at his request at the ICT and this request was granted as many gathered in his honor to remember him in a way only he would have liked them to, in a jovial, happy manner which reflects the character of Chad Foster.

Cientos de Personas Dan el Ultimo Adios a Chad Foster

Eagle Pass ha perdido a un gran líder y a un gran ser humano asi lo dijeron muchas de las personas que acudieron al funeral de Chad Foster celebrado este miércoles 1 de agosto del 2012. Gran cantidad de personas, oficiales públicos, funcionarios, empresarios, y personas de todos los niveles asistieron para dar el pésame a la familia Foster por esta pérdida.
Autoridades de Piedras Negras y de varias Ciudades de Texas estuvieron presentes, dado que el ex Mayor estableció muchas relaciones en ambos lados de la frontera.
Chad Foster falleció la mañana del sábado 28 de julio en un hospital de Houston, Texas víctima de cancer de estómago.
En la casa funeraria acudieron cientos de personas para mostrar su pesar y unirse al dolor de la familia Foster. Diversos funcionarios estuvieron presentes, uno de ellos el Mayor de Laredo, Texas, Raul Salinas, quien dijo que Chad Foster era único y era un gran luchador por lograr desarrollo y beneficios para la frontera.
El miércoles por la mañana partió el cortejo fúnebre de la casa funeraria hasta la iglesia O.L.O.R. de la calle Ceylon encabezado por las nuevas patrullas de policía.
En la Iglesia hubo un lleno total, la gente no cabía en el lugar y muchos tuvieron que esperar afuera. El servicio religioso concistio en oraciones, cantos y testimonios de personas que lo conocieron y convivieron con él. Luego el cuerpo fue transladado al panteón del Condado de Maverick donde fue sepultado ante la presencia de una gran multitud que lo acompañó en todo su funeral demostrándole amistad y gratitud.
En todas las oficinas públicas de la Ciudad fueron colocados moños morados en señal de duelo. Foster fue Mayor de la Ciudad del 2004 al 2010.
Después se realizó un convivio para la comunidad en el ICT Center, eso fue algo que quizo Chad Foster y que su familia lo cumplió: la comunidad se reuniera, que estuvieran alegres, esto desmuestra el carácter y la persona que era Chad Foster.

Last modified on Friday, 10 August 2012 04:38

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