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Hospital Board Approves Budget, Tax Rate

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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


On Wednesday the Hospital District Board of Directors held a special meeting to adopt the operating budget and tax rate for the value of properties in Eagle Pass and Maverick County. The Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed tax rate which will not rise or fall this year. The approval of the operating budget will benefit the community in the form of different programs which provide community assistance, as well as to bring more specialists to our community. When the board voted on the budget, it passed 4-1 with board member Ricardo Calderon casting the only dissenting vote stating, "I'm voting against due to the $1.6 million deficit, at this rate, our reserves will be depleted in about ten years." "I share some of the concerns that Mr. Calderon has," said board member Joaquin Rodriguez, "But I disagree with a moratorium (Referring to Calderon's idea of shutting down programs in order to bring the budget up to par). We may need to cut back some spending, but I would hate to cut services."

"I have been through this," stated CEO Elcira Bares, "It's the mission of the board to balance the budget, at some point the tax rate may need to be increased. You want a balanced budget now, we close programs and cease services," she added in response to the discussion. "I don't know if we can address these issues today," added Rodriguez, "We're here to approve or not approve the budget." "I moved to put a moratorium on expenditures that went on deaf ears, and this board hired personnel. We keep putting ourselves in a serious financial situation," rebutted Calderon. "The only section that is a huge drawback is indigent care," stated board chair Juan Manuel Farias, "We'll have some difficult decisions to make." "We've been running consecutive budget deficits," concluded Calderon. Also on the agenda was the 3-2-1 Property Tax Discount which was turned down 4-1 with Calderon opting to vote for the discount to assist the taxpayers of the Maverick County Hospital District to which Farias retorted that it contradicts his vote on the new budget. No action was taken on the proposal to go to court on the issue of the Dos Republicas Coal Mine lawsuit which is pending in the near future. George and Martha Baxter informed The News Gram that the actual cost of the appeal is not $12,000.00 but $1,200.00 which would cost each party approximately $300.00 between the County, the Environmental Association, Maria Torres and the combined Maverick County Hospital District and the City of Eagle Pass.. Baxter feels that they have a better chance of prevailing at 126th District Court in Austin. "For the betterment of this community," said Baxter, "The Maverick County Environmental Association will continue to oppose the mine."

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