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Commissioner's Court receives Auditor's Report

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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Maverick County Commissioner's Court was definitely upbeat on Monday at their Regular Meeting held at Commissioner's Court Chambers as County Judge David Saucedo mentioned the fact that their receipt of the monthly auditor's report which they received prior to the meeting was a welcomed sight and would be beneficial to them as 'Budget officers' to know exactly what's in their individual coffers at any given point in time.

"As a budget officer, I can let those departments know this is where we're at if I have the information in hand, I can make decisions," stated the judge.

"When I look at Road & Bridge it really makes me feel good," stated the county leader as they have $600,000.00 remaining as of now and $500,000.00 remaining in the General Fund Report.

"Personally, I'd like to digest the report before we approve it," stated County Commissioner Robert Ruiz who also questioned wether they could post the report on the website.

Karla Mazuka along with two other members of the Auditor's Office were also on hand to answer any questions they might have about the report itself as County Auditor Fidencio Ortiz was not present due to an illness.

County Commissioner Gerardo Morales wanted to know where the funds collected for different rentals and fees for Maverick County Lake were and those were included in the report, but not specified.

Commissioner Rosales wanted to know where rentals were for the Radar Base and airplane hangars and he was directed to those figures as well.

"This is good, very professional," stated Rosales.

The county finds itself at 36% of budget for the rest of the fiscal year, a 3% increase from last year which constitutes a savings of $500,000.00.

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