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German Carrillo

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The Winn Maverick Boys traveled to Southside HS to take on the Cardinals

Fire at Recycling Center

Thursday, 07 March 2019 00:19 Published in March 2019

A large blaze was reported within a recycling facility

The City of Eagle Pass is

looking to possibly add ECigarettes

to its existing No

Smoking in public places


During a special meeting

held on Tuesday, March 4,

2019, the Eagle Pass City

Council discussed an agenda

item looking to possibly

amend their No-Smoking in

Public Places ordinance by

adding E-Cigarettes to the list

of products covered under the

ban. During the citizens'

communication portion of the

meeting, Christopher Garcia

who runs a Vape Shop locally

addressed the issue.

Garcia explained that he

had recently applied for a permit

to open a Vape Shop in

town and that he wishes that

the city reconsider their intent

to modify the Non-Smoking

in Public Places ordinance.

The City Council then proceeded

to take the agenda

item into an executive session

to discuss with their legal


Once back in open session

the city council proceeded

with approving the first reading

of the amending ordinance

and requested that legal

counsel provide further information

regarding the item at

the next meeting for councils


Back in 2010, the Eagle

Pass City Council approved

the No Smoking in Public

Places Ordinance at a special

city council meeting held on

Tuesday, September 28, 2010.

The city ordinance specifically

bans smoking to take place

in public places, including but

not limited to the following:

All enclosed and unenclosed

city facilities, enclosed

or unenclosed including, but

not limited to, buildings,

parks and sports facilities, airport,

bridges, police stations

and substations, fire stations,

civic center facilities,

libraries, clinics, and municipal

court; City vehicles and

public forms of transportation,

including, but not limited

to, buses, vans and taxicabs;

Retail stores or service

establishments; Public restrooms;

Service lines; Public

areas of malls, galleries,

libraries and museums when

open to the public; Theaters;

Sports arenas and convention

halls; Polling places; Child

care facilities; Places where

public assembly meetings

take place during such time as

a public meeting is in

progress; Waiting rooms, hallways,

wards and rooms of

health care facilities, Any

school or educational institution;


Restaurants and food

establishments; Places of

employment; Bars; All rooms

in nursing homes; outdoor

arenas, stadiums, and

amphitheaters; In and within

twenty (20) feet of outdoor


There are numerous areas

that are not subject to the city

Non-Smoking in Public

Places Ordinance including

private residences, Tobacco

specialty retail stores that are

freestanding; Public streets,

sidewalks, and parking lots,

whether public or private; private

clubs and private recreational

facilities;Hotel and

other conference and meeting

rooms while they are being

used for private purposes.

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