David Venegas

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Man Injured by Gunshot Wound

Wednesday, 10 October 2012 22:41 Published in October 2012


 -Eagle Pass


Eagle Pass Police responded to a call in which a 75 year-old man was injured from what was an alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound. According to the report, officers were called to a residence on Williams Street at approximately 11:00 A.M. and found Jose García, 75, lying on the floor with a .38 caliber pistol by his side. The area was sectioned off with police tape as detectives conducted their investigation. Two ambulances arrived on the scene. Chief Antonio Castañeda reports that the details of this incident are not completely clear, but it seems as though the wound may be self-inflicted and the case remains under investigation. The victim was clinging to life and was transported to San Antonio and no other details were given at press time.




A.D. Ibarra

-County Court House


The Regular Meeting of Maverick County Commissioner's Court was moved to Tuesday due to the fact that all offices were closed due to the awareness of Columbus Day. First up prior to the deliberation of County business was the reading of a proclamation honoring the Maverick County 4-H Club. Oscar Galindo, Maverick County Agent was on hand along with a handful of members of our 4-H Club to receive the proclamation which was read by The Honorable David R. Saucedo, Maverick County Judge, highlighting the significance of such an organization signifying the four core values of the club: Head which is to be used to manage your activities and to think about key issues, Heart which children should incorporate to relate to issues and care about others, Hands which should be used to give and to work and Health which is a sign of being and living a life with the quality which only a person who exemplifies these qualities can live.

Adrián Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


En una investigación que puede haber comenzado en julio, un policía de Eagle Pass fué arrestado por cargos que incluyen posesión de una arma robada. El Juez Collis White pidió la detención de Eriberto Leija por el uso ilegal de una computadora del gobierno, declaración falsa y la posesión de un arma de fuego robada. Según los informes, Leija fue acusado de posesión ilegal de lo que se supone que es un solo tiro o rifle automático M-1 y fue arrestado por agentes del FBI. Según los funcionarios, cuando una consulta se hizo en junio sobre el sistema de gobierno federal y estatal computarizado para determinar si dicha arma fue robada de hecho, el sistema alertó a las autoridades locales sobre el paradero del arma, por lo que se abre una investigación por el detective Aldo Escamilla.

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