David Venegas

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Tres Policías Reciben la Placa Oficial

Monday, 15 October 2012 22:40 Published in October 2012

La ciudad de Eagle Pass cuenta con 3 nuevos oficiales. este viernes les fue colocada la placa oficial como policías a tres elementos que cumplieron con su período de prueba. Ello son: Jeanny Flores, Esmeralda López y Alejandro Barrientos. Una ceremonia especial se realizó el viernes por la mañana en City Hall para darle las bienvenida a estos elementos que recibieron también el uniforme oficial color azul. Presentes estuvieron los familiares de los nuevos elementos que celebraron este logro, ser oficialmente policías.

City has Three New Officers

Monday, 15 October 2012 22:38 Published in October 2012


-Eagle Pass


The EPPD has three news police officers who were sworn in on Friday and received their badges after their successful completion of their training. They are: Janie Flores, Esmeralda Lopez and Alejandro. In a very special celebration held at City Council Chambers, these three new officers received their badges and their 'Dress blues'. Friends and family gathered at the ceremony to congratulate them and wish them well in their new job. Chief Antonio Castañeda, in an emotive speech informed the new officers of the significance and the symbolism of their badge, stating that with it, they have agreed to wield it and have also agreed to accept the great responsibility that goes along with it as well.


-Eagle Pass


After a series of phone calls to Eagle Pass Police alerting them of the presence of what reportedly were black bears in the vicinity of the Seco Mines area in the northernmost sector of our city.

A resident called on Sunday morning these reports were confirmed when a resident on Barrera Street called the Maverick County Sheriff's Department and reported that a bear was in a tree in a tree in his front yard.

This may have been the bear seen in the Enrique Montalvo Subdivision on Friday near The News Gram offices.

Officers of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department were called in to assist and they arrived at 2435 Barrera where they found the young cub.  They were able to get the cub down and subdue it and were reportedly going to release it in a safe place where it can live out its days in its natural habitat.

On Monday, The Eagle Pass Police Department received yet another report of a bear sighting which in all probability may be the mother bear searching for her lost cub.

It is believed that the recent drout has affected the bear's habitat and they are looking for food in moist areas similar to those around the Rio Grande and the bears may be hungry and simply searching for food.

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