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David Venegas

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-Eagle Pass


El departamento de Bomberos de Eagle Pass dio a conocer que oficialmente la temporada para la venta de cohetes será del 20 de diciembre al primero de enero a la media noche, y se aclara que los locales de venta deberán estar instalados fuera de los límites de la ciudad, y previamente deberán haber sido inspeccionados para verificar que cumplan con los requisitos de seguridad. Rodolfo Cardona, Fire Marshall, dijo que dentro de la ciudad de Eagle Pass esta prohibido vender pólvora o quemar pólvora, los juegos artificiales solamente pueden ser usados fuera del municipio. Mencionó que hay ordenanzas que establecen que si alguna persona es sorprendida almacenando pólvora dentro de la ciudad o quemando la pólvora, puede recibir infracciones de 200 a 500 dólares, según cada caso. En el Condado de Maverick hay algunos locales ya instalados tanto al norte como al sur, muchas personas o familias tienen aun la tradición de quemar "cohetes" esta temporada, principalmente en el festejo de la navidad y año nuevo. El Inspector contra Incendios dijo que tanto la policía de Eagle Pass como de bomberos estarán vigilando que la gente cumpla las ordenanzas. Pidió a la población tener mucha precaución en la quema de pólvora, para evitar incendios que pueden ser de graves consecuencias. Principalmente se pide a la población vigilar a los niños dado que pueden ser víctimas de accidentes.

Eagles Fall to Edinburgh North 21-14

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 22:53 Published in October 2012

A.D. Ibarra

Photo by: Kamille Donley

-Eagle Pass


The Eagle Pass Eagles faced-off with the Edinburgh North Cougars at the Alamodome in San Antonio and were down 14-7 in the second half when the EP Special Teams came up with a big play. RJ Ruiz took a direct snap from the Eagle deep snapper and took the pigskin 32 yards for the tying score. An incredible play by an athlete who has come through for the Eagles time and time again this season on both defense and offense. This is how things went down at the Alamodome: The Cougars took the opening kickoff and took the ball meticulously down the field with a steady run game before plunging into the endzone from one yard out by running back Adrian Alvarez for the first score of the game, 7-0 Cougars.

#8 Remembered; Forever in our Hearts

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 22:42 Published in November 2012

A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Maverick Nation is mourning once again as the sudden passing of Roly Ruiz has caused deep sorrow within our community. The Crown Prince of the Ruiz Family is gone. As a friend of the family for over three decades, I know the passion my friend has for anything he does, therefore, San Luis Elementary has always known how much time and effort he has put into Cardinal Athletics. I think we're the only school who has had an Athletic Director! As the heir apparent to Roly Ruiz' legacy at San Luis, I also know the impact the Ruiz' have had on the lives of not only Roland, Pilo, Ari and Julio, but on many more quality athletes that have gone through both the Eagle Pass Eagle and CC Winn Maverick Athletic Programs (You know who you are). Roland Jr. was the epitome of the hard work and dedication his father and I try to instill in all of our players.

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