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KTTT honored during Native American Heritage Month

Saturday, 01 December 2012 18:06 Published in December 2012



A.D. Ibarra



-Eagle Pass



As Me chi mi si ka arrived to demonstrate what truly is the culture and heritage of his people adorned in full Kickapoo garb complete with truly magnificent black war paint directly under his eyes trimmed in white, which is indicative of the Kickapoo and all tribes have their own to be able to distinguish themselves from any other tribe. Me chi mi si ka wielded his eagle claw staff and eagle feather headdress and completely entranced all in attendance with three tribal dances closing out a program rich in Native American language and history to celebrate Native american Heritage Month. Pi ka o da, of the Cultural Advisory Council, Cha ko da ta and Na na te a, members of the Kickapoo Tribal Council, were also on hand to receive a proclamation from the Honorable Ramsey English-Cantú, Mayor of Eagle Pass which added an official touch to the festivities. E ne de na, Superintendent of Tribal Education Programs was introduced by A pi si no cua who eloquently introduced the keynote speaker of Cherokee and American descent who has worked with the Environmental Protection Agency in Dallas and is a professor of research at North Texas University and a Delegate to the Cherokee Nation who was also adorned in a horse hair and eagle-feathered hat when he addressed the gathering about the accomplishments and contributions of Native Americans to the world in relation to agriculture, politics, communications, mathematics among other important contributions to society.

Miembros de la Tribu Kickapoo del Condado de Maverick mostraron su orgullo por pertenecer a este pueblo, y por sus tradiciones y cultura. Fue la celebración de Reconocimiento a las Tribus Americanas y los Kickapoo del Condado de Maverick forman parte de esa herencia cultural. Autoridades que acudieron a la celebración realizada el jueves al mediodía en la Reservación para Reconocer la Importancia de las Tribus Kickapoo dijeron que las tribus Americanas como los Kickapoo son un tesoro nacional, sus aportaciones son muchas al mundo.

UMC honors Dr. Soret with naming of Admin. Building

Saturday, 01 December 2012 18:00 Published in December 2012



A.D. Ibarra


-Eagle Pass



Dr. Ted Soret, DDS, longtime dentist, loving husband, father, grandfather, friend of Eagle Pass and avid animal lover was bestowed the very distinct honor of having the United Medical Center's Administration Building named after him in a fitting and proper manner which he so deserved as George Kypuros so eloquently put it, Soret was "A champion for community health centers." "He showed his true commitment to our mission and made many sacrifices for this project as he could not believe how many people went unserved because they did not have access to health care that they could afford." "Ted and I loved Eagle Pass," stated his wife Mary Francis, who was moved by the outpouring of affection showed to her husband on this day which all in attendance could agree that the Sorets were truly fine, genuine people who were loved by all his patients and their families, "This is a great honor as his spirit watches over us. To think he was a part of this is very, very special."




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