Evie Rodriguez

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The Nebraska undocumented youth who access the deferred action program will not receive public benefits, such as drivers licenses or social assistance, with the exception of prenatal care, reported the state governor, Dave Heineman. During a news conference in Lincoln, the state governor said undocumented youth eligible for deferred action will not receive public assistance, unless required by state law. "They (the undocumented) should not be here unless they are here legally," said Republican politician.



The White House announced four projects to improve transport infrastructure in roads and railways in the States of Maine, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington, framed in its job creation program "We can not wait ". "Across the country infrastructure investments are putting people to work in the construction and modernization of our transportation systems, railways, bridges and roads," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "The government is committed to doing its part to help communities across the country to move forward with these critical projects as quickly and efficiently as possible," he added.



Someone wanting to run for public office in Arizona can be kept off the ballot if he or she lacks a sufficient command of English, the state's Supreme Court said. Elected officials must be able to communicate with constituents and the general public in English without the assistance of an interpreter, Chief Justice Robert Bruntinel wrote.

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