Evie Rodriguez

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Two local drivers were arrested early Monday morning in separate incidents for being involved in an auto accident and fleeing the scene. The first incident occurred at 2:30 A.M. on Lazar Street where the driver of a Chevy Tahoe was involved in an accident and failed to render aid to the victim of the other vehicle. Officials were alerted of the vehicle and proceeded to search for it. They came across the Tahoe on Canal Street on the south side of town and th edriver was identified as Jose Guadalupe Lopez who was detained on charges of fleeing the scene of an accident and failing to render aid. Another vehicle was located on Crestwind Street where officers were able to locate and detain Jose Penias who was charged with the same. The Eagle Pass Police Department warns motorists that if you are involved in an auto accident, it is your obligation to not only remain, but render aid if the need arises.







Sylvia Serrano, ex integrante del Concilio de la ciudad de Eagle Pass, se registró este lunes para un lugar en la mesa directiva del Distrito del Hospital del Condado de Maverick. Este lunes 19 de agosto concluyó el registro de candidatos. El registró lo hizo el lunes por la mañana ante las autoridades de la administración del hospital. Otras personas que se han registrado son Humberto Duran y Chuco Farias en busca de la re-elección y que han mencionado que quieren seguir trabajando en traer mas beneficios medicos a la comunidad.


The State of Texas currently has 465 cases of West Nile Virus infections, including 17 deaths. Maverick County is not within the list of counties affected, however, the City of Eagle Pass offers the following information and recommendations in order to maintain our community safe from this disease. Up to 80 percent of people infected with this virus will have no symptoms and will recover on their own. People over 50 and those with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of becoming ill if they become infected.

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