Evie Rodriguez

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Instalarán Torre de Entrenamiento para Bomberos

Tuesday, 16 October 2012 21:00 Published in October 2012


La ciudad de Eagle Pass ya aprobó casi $100 mil dólares en recursos para la compra de una torre de control para el departamento de Bomberos de Eagle Pass. Jesús Rodriguez, jefe del departamento, dijo que la torre será instalada en el patio de la Subestación "Guadalupe Cardona" que se localiza en la carretera a El Indio. Dijo que este mes de octubre ya fueron aprobados los recursos y se espera que en poco tiempo inicie la instalación. La torre de entrenamiento será una estructura de 3 pisos, simulará ser un edificio, que será usado por los bomberos para estar mas capacitados en como responder a emergencias. Por ejemplo ante un incendio, como llegar al lugar y rescatar a las personas que estén dentro. Los Bomberos se entrenarán en como subir en estos edificios y como descender por el exterior. Diversas ciudades en Estados Unidos tienen este tipo de instalaciones y ahora Eagle Pass contará con una. Jesús Rodriguez dijo que desde el pasado año fiscal se había solicitado este tipo de equipo, y ahora ya fue aprobado.

Training Tower to be Installed

Tuesday, 16 October 2012 20:59 Published in October 2012

Staff -

Eagle Pass

The City of Eagle Pass has approved about $100,000.00 in resources in order to buy a training tower facility to better prepare our fire fighters in the training for emergencies involving blazes in buildings taller that one story as the facility will be a three story structure. The structure will be installed at the Cardona Unit on El Indio Highway. Chief Jesus Rodriguez stated that the funds were in actuality approved in the month of October and he expects construction to begin soon. The three-story building will simulate a building and will be used to effectively respond to emergency situations and how to get to living humans within the inferno of a blaze. They will train on how to climb up to a burning structure and how to return safely below. Many large cities in the US already have such a facility for their fire departments to train in and now Eagle Pass will have the luxury of having the same.

A.D. Ibarra 

Eagle Pass Golf Course


For the fifth year, a tradition which celebrates the camaraderie and competitive nature of athletes who have so much in common, that only a winding river separates them from each other and every year, just after the Ryder Cup is played between the best professional golfers from the United States versus the best golfers the continent of Europe has to offer, the River Cup is played at the Eagle Pass Golf Course between 30-35 golfers from Eagle Pass against their similar from our neighboring country of Mexico.  A total of 72 matches were held over three days with the Cup decided on the last couple of matches. Team Captains Beto Ochoa of Mexico led his charges against Captain Dr. Ruben Barron's USA Squad from October 6th thru the 8th in a variety of match-play formats. On Friday, the US jumped out to a 10-7 lead in a four-man scramble format which allows all four teammates to play the best ball hit around the course.

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