Evie Rodriguez

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Allergy Prevention, Management Tips

Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:24 Published in SALUD



It is important for parents to remember the basics about prevention and management of allergies, said a pediatrician from Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Armando Correa, an assistant professor of pediatrics at BCM and a pediatrician at Texas Children’s Hospital, offered the following tips:


-Seek immediate medical attention for difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, tongue or other extremities.

-Consider short-term medication for symptoms such a runny nose, itchy eyes or sneezing.

-If symptoms persist, contact your pediatrician.

-For children under the age of 2 experiencing allergies, always seek medical attention.

-Help manage environmental allergies by avoiding places that have just been cleaned or places where pets frequent.


Correa also offered tips on food allergies:

-If your child has multiple or severe allergies, they should always carry an injectable medication.

-Always read the food labels and be aware of where foods are manufactured.

-Consider allergy testing for children with severe or multiple allergies.


Always consult a pediatrician on questions related to allergy prevention and management.

Runner’s Knee Pain Usually Linked to Foot, Hip Problem

Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:18 Published in SALUD



If running is turning into a pain in the knees, it might actually be the hips that need your attention, according to an expert at Baylor College of Medicine. When runners have knee pain, it’s usually related to foot or hip problems, according to Dr. Joseph Chorley, associate professor of pediatrics – adolescent and sports medicine at BCM and Texas Children’s Hospital. If a runner is not in control at the foot, ankle or hip, the knee is what gets twisted, has to overwork and develops irritation.


Chorley makes the following suggestions:

 -Stretch properly before running

 -Don’t increase mileage by more than 10 to 15 percent per week -Walk when knee pain begins

 -Replace shoes every six to nine months or every 500 miles

-Know what your foot type is and be sure you have proper cushioning

-Consider cross-training and strengthening exercises to help strengthen the core, glutes or hamstrings

-Multi-vitamins are helpful for all runners and fish oil is good for long distance runners


However, there are some symptoms that may indicate a more severe problem that should be seen by a sports medicine physician:

-Fluid accumulating in the knee

-Painful popping or a mechanical sensation

-Someone who had a previous structural injury such as torn ACL or PCL that’s now experiencing pain

Older Adults Express Anxiety in Different Ways

Tuesday, 30 April 2013 20:16 Published in SALUD


While there are several factors that can cause anxiety in older adults, it can be difficult to identify because they express anxiety in unique ways, according to an expert at Baylor College of Medicine.


According to Dr. Melinda Stanley, professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at BCM, common types of anxiety disorders in adults include:

-Generalized anxiety

-Specific fears and phobias

-Social phobias

-Post-traumatic stress disorder


Anxiety symptoms that older adults and their family members should watch for include:

-Shortness of breath

-Increased heart rate


-Difficulty sleeping

- Muscle aches and pains


Anxiety is not a normal part of aging and can be treated. The first important step is to have a physical exam. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a treatment option that teaches learning skills to manage anxiety. Skills that can help reduce anxiety include relaxation, changing thoughts, facing fears, learning how to solve problems and learning behaviors to improve sleep.

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